Rock Cutting and Polishing Equipment recommendations / Rockhounding Tools Wish List / My Rock Hub Forum

#1 2021-01-06 18:10:21
Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 1

Rock Cutting and Polishing Equipment recommendations

Just joined and starting my rockhound "career" as an enthusiast. Already gaining an appreciation for proper rock cutting and polishing equipment, having done a bit with a tile saw and sanding tools. Ready to make a serious investment in proper equipment. Slab saw? Size? maybe also a Trim saw too.
Don't want to "outgrow" my equipment by the time I start using it! So want to skip a few steps and buy up in the beginning.
My main concerns/experience/needs are:
1.    Accurate clean saw cuts so as to be able to more easily polish the cuts
2.    Reduction in after sawing polishing work and time
3.    ability to cut larger specimens in the 8 inch diameter size range
4.    A grinding unit to clean up saw cuts
5.    a vibratory lapping machine to polish slab cuts automatically (running without my constant attention)
Anyway, my thinking is getting a larger slab saw (18 inch minimum) and a trim saw and some grinder and also the vibratory lapping machines.
Would prefer to buy used equipment in good shape, so I could get higher end type machines.
ANY recommendations or comments on my thinking would get me started off in the right direction.
I will now research the threads here.

Dream Chaser and Explore of our Planet earth.


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